What is “Friends of Rotary”?


Friends of Rotary is a program that allows community members to actively support the goals and activities of Rotary without becoming a full member of a Rotary club.   Friends of Rotary is an opportunity for individuals who support Rotary ideals, but may be unable to participate in full membership, (e.g., may not be able to attend weekly club meetings), to contribute to the community by participating in Rotary club fundraising, charitable activities and fellowship events.


A Friend of Rotary benefits by:


  • Involvement in a well-established and respected service organization in your community.


  • Participation in our club’s fundraising, service projects and social events.


  • Contributing to community agencies, local schools and international projects.


  • A Friends of Rotary affiliation can lead to full Rotary Club membership if your circumstances change at a later time and you wish to join.


  • Making positive service-based connections with leaders and business people in your community.



What would I do in Friends of Rotary?


  • As a Friend of Rotary you are welcome to attend our weekly lunch meetings in accord with your schedule and desires.


  • You will be kept informed about our club’s upcoming fundraising, community service and social activities. You can be involved in these as often as you choose.  We strongly encourage a Friend of Rotary to be directly involved in at least four of these events a year. 


  • You will receive e-mails about our club’s upcoming activities. A Rotary Club member will stay in touch with you to support your involvement.


  • Being a Friend of Rotary involves a fee of $200.00 per year. Your affiliation as a Friend of Rotary can be renewed each year as you desire.



How is being a Friend of Rotary different from being a full member of a Rotary Club?


  • A Friend of Rotary is listed in our local club database but is not registered as a member with Rotary International, the international parent organization of Rotary.


  • A Friend of Rotary is not able to vote on club matters, serve on the Board of Directors or be an elected officer in the Club.


  • A Friend of Rotary does not have a responsibility to attend weekly meetings or to do a make-up activity in place of a missed meeting.


How do I find out more about Friends of Rotary to decide if it is right for me?

To find out more about becoming a Friend of Rotary, just let us know your interest.  Contact the Rotarian shown here:

Lance Baugh

Immediate Past President

(314) 471-9036

[email protected]


---- OR -----


Complete and mail the following form to Rotary Club of Crestwood–Sunset Hills, P.O. Box 270267, St. Louis MO  63127.   We will get back to you quickly to answer any questions and help you take the next step.

Rotary Club of Crestwood – Sunset Hills

Friends of Rotary Application


Name (First, MI, Last)  _________________________________________

DOB ___/___/_______

Residence ___________________________________/_________________/_____/________

                        Street                                                                          City                    State        Zip code


            Personal Contact:          Phone ____________________________


                                                Cell Ph. ___________________________


                                                Email  ____________________________

                                                Other _____________________________

Office/Business address _______________________________/____________________________

                 Business Name                                                            Street



                        City                                                                State                     Zip code


            Occupation/Job Title ____________________________________________


            Business Contacts:       Phone _____________________________

Email  _____________________________

Have you been a member of a Rotary club in the past? Yes ______  No ______

            If yes, club name _________________________________________

            Dates of membership _____________ - _______________ (approx.)

            Rotary Member No. ______________________

Hobbies, interests:


Community Service interests:



Preferred means of receiving updates regarding Rotary club activities and events (e.g., home Email, phone call at work, text, etc.) _________________________________________.

I have reviewed the information about being a Friend of Rotary with the Crestwood-Sunset Hills Rotary Club and I wish to be considered for this affiliation.



_________________________________________                        ___________________________

                            Signature                                                                           Date

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